Humboldt County Library's September Calendar
Updated K-6 lunch menus. We are currently working on the sync with Nutrislice for the HCSD app. Hopefully it will be up and running soon.
Find the complete job description at
Here is the correct calendar for the upcoming school year. Please share this one only. Students return on August 22nd.
You can also download the app in the app store to find all events there. Thank you!
In preparation for the upcoming school year, please notice the early release day has been changed. Students will now be released early on Wednesday instead of Thursday so staff may use this time for professional development and planning purposes. If you have questions, you may contact your child’s school office. Thank you and we look forward to a great year ahead.
Reminder: There will be no school for all K-6th grade students tomorrow, May 13th for staff professional development.
Humboldt County Library's April Calendar
Humboldt County Library's March Calendar
Humboldt County Library's February Calendar
Humboldt County Library's January Calendar
Everyone is invited to the Humboldt County School District Food Pantry tomorrow, Thursday December 16th, from 1-4. This will be the last Thursday that we are open before Christmas so make sure to come stock up for the long 2-week break. The Food Pantry will reopen on Thursday, December 30th from 1-4.
Humboldt County Library's December Calendar
Now hiring substitutes for all job families! Join us on November 4th 5:00-7:00 p.m. for an informational meeting at the District Office Board Room, 310 E Fourth Street. Call 623-8100 for more information.
Humboldt County Library's November Calendar
Humboldt County Library's October Calendar
2021-2022 Bus Routes
Open House
Humboldt County Library's September Calendar
Here is the Humboldt County Library's August calendar!
"Summer sure was fun, but we are excited to be back inside the Library! "
Thursday is the last day of school! Release time will follow Thursday schedules. Have a great summer!