WGS Parent Information


Please make sure that you are checking with your child’s teacher at least once a week to ensure that we can mark your child present for the week.  If you or your child do not have any contact with your child’s teacher, then your child will be marked absent for the entirety of the week. 


Beginning with the work that was assigned last week, teachers will start issuing grades to your child in the form of a pass/fail grade.  Please ensure that you are working with your child to turn in the work that they complete during the week.  

Turning in Classwork:

As a school we are strongly encouraging families to turn their school assignments in to their teacher electronically.  The main form of turning in assignments that we are asking you to utilize is Google Classroom. If you cannot use Google Classroom, then you could take a picture of the assignment and email or text it to your child’s teacher, or possibly scan the assignment and return it via email.  There is an app that you can search called “DocScan” and it allows you to take a picture of a paper and turn it into a pdf that you can email to teachers - it is a free app. Students can also turn in assignments via Google Classroom. Finally, if returning the packet to the school is your only option then we will have a box on the lunch table for you to place it in.  We are under protocol to have the assignment sit in the box for 72 hours before we return it to your child’s teacher.  

New Work:

New classwork packets should be available to your student by Wednesday of every week.  Most of the time they will be available on Google Classroom before Wednesday. If you need packets printed out please continue to email myself or Mrs. Evans so we can have them ready for you 24 hours after the request has been made.  

Finally, I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter with their families.  Please continue to reach out to your teachers, counselors, and myself to ensure that we are meeting your needs during this difficult time.  Thanks and hang in there!

Mr. Corbitt