If you are having technical issues with the programs, please email your teacher.

If you are having issues with the Chromebook please call our helpline at 775-623-8111.

You can also call Edgenuity's customer support line at 877-202-0338 for problems with the program itself.

Message Inbox


The Family Portal is a site that allows parents access to current information about their student's progress and performance. Additionally, Edgenuity offers the ability for educators to have progress reports automatically emailed to parents. This article will provide information on configuring and using the Family Portal, as well as configuring automated progress emails.

For Parents:

Activating the Family Portal

Requesting Student Progress Reports

Understanding the Attendance Log

Understanding the Progress Report

Parents and students will communicate with the teacher through the Edgenuity program. When logged into the student account, you will see "messages" on the left hand side. Be sure to check your messages every time you login. To contact your teacher, please use the compose button and start typing the teacher's name.  Parents can click the Add Guardian button towards the bottom to be added to all communication.