In Nevada, schools must create and submit a School Performance Plan every year.  This plan focuses on three important areas: Student Success, Adult Learning, and Connectedness.   In Humboldt County School District (HCSD), we believe in involving students, staff, parents, and the community in this continuous improvement process.   HCSD requires schools to assess past goals, gather data from various sources, and identify reasons for areas needing improvement in student success, adult learning, and connectedness.  In addition to these efforts, it's important to note that federal education law mandates each state to establish a system for evaluating school performance. In Nevada, this system is known as the Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF). Specifically crafted by Nevadans for Nevada schools, the NSPF is a star-rating system. Schools are rated on a scale from one to five stars, with one star being the lowest rating and five stars representing the highest. This framework provides a clear way to assess how well schools are doing and where improvements may be needed."

In the chart below, you'll discover the specifics of Grass Valley Elementary Performance Plan for this year. This plan was carefully crafted with input from various stakeholders to steer our endeavors in enhancing these critical areas. Additionally, you can access the Nevada Report Card through the provided links, where you'll find Grass Valley Elementary’s star rating information.

School Website

Star Rating

Nevada Report Card

School Designation

School Performance Plan

AB 219 Corrective Action Plan

Status Checks

January/March 2024

GVES Website

GVES School Star Rating 22-23

No Designation

GVES School SPP 23-24

Does not apply to this school

GVES Status Checks 23-24